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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Does Lamar Odom Babymama Has to Say?

If you think you're surprised by Khloé Kardashian and Lamar Odom's upcoming quickie wedding on Sunday, imagine how the groom's ex-fiancée must feel. Odom, 29, began dating Liza Morales when they were both just 17, and they've had three children together: Destiny, 11, Lamar Jr., 7, and Jayden, who died of SIDS at age 7 months in 2006. The high school sweethearts split two years ago. "It's just really, really shocking," she tells E! News. "Everybody, and I quote, 'everybody' is shocked by this." Some of her surprise may come from experience. The NBA player popped the question eight years ago, but he and Morales never tied the knot. "Lamar was always a commitment-phobe," she says. The baller's baby mama didn't hear about the wedding directly, either. "I didn't believe it because I got it in a text message, so I thought it was a joke," she admits. "I knew they were dating, because, like everybody else saw, they were going all of these places they could be seen. So that's how I found out they were dating." Morales, who now lives in New York City with the two children, says Destiny has met the E! star, but Lamar "chose not to." The family won't be making a last-minute trip to California to witness the union. Morales also says they don't have an official custody arrangement and she "really don't hear from him too much," so she doesn't know what effect this news has had on the groom-to-be. "I would definitely say it is moving too fast," Morales says. "I think that marriage is a life commitment and it is not something you rush into. You can't think about the wedding. You have to think about the marriage and what that consists of. This is not a fabulous pair of shoes, or a fabulous custom-made suit we are talking about. So I would definitely say he is acting on impulse." While Morales wouldn't comment on what she thinks of Khloé, she did say she is protective of her children. "I will say this, I have an 11-year-old and an 8-year-old and I have to be mama bear," Morales tells E! News. "I didn't go out there looking for this. I am very private. Lamar is choosing this type of setting that he is getting himself into, he is kind of bringing the kids and myself into this. I did want to get my voice out there because I have to protect [my kids]. "This media society that we live in is not like when I was 11. [My daughter] can Google Khloé, she can Google her father, so this is really serious to me. I know some people think this is entertainment, but for me, this is a life-changing experience, and I have to protect my kids." Morales wouldn't say whether the kids are upset by their father's sudden news. "I don't want to put words into my kids' mouths," Morales says. "I know how they feel…they talk to me and this is something that we have to work on as a family and Lamar can figure out what he has to do on his own." Morales also won't say when the last time Odom saw his children, but she does hope his priorities are in line. "Lamar has to focus on his children, his relationship with them before he can think about bringing Khloé around." Source

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