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Laughter is Good for the Soul..

Friday, September 4, 2009


She was married for only 11 months - and she was terrified almost every minute of them. Relatives of 22-year-old Kaidan Ramsay said the newlywed lived in fear of her jealous husband before he finally stalked and shot her on a busy Brooklyn street. The college student was recovering from her wounds at Kings County Hospital yesterday while her family kept a vigil at her side. "She's been afraid, so she hasn't been complaining to us about him being abusive," said her uncle Ewan Clarke, 32. "He's the type of guy who punches holes in the wall," Clarke said. "He gives messages of intimidation so she's afraid to say anything." Lenox Ramsay, 19, was arraigned yesterday on a host of charges - including attempted murder, assault and menacing - stemming from the Tuesday morning attack in Crown Heights. Cops say Ramsay ambushed his wife, who moved out of their home three days earlier, in front of Medgar Evers College and chased her down Carroll St., grabbing her wrist and throwing her into traffic. Frantic to escape, Kaidan Ramsay tried to jump into a passing car and used her phone to call her sister for help. "We heard her say, 'No! No! No!' and we heard her screaming for help," said Clarke, who was with Kaidan Ramsay's sister, Shelly Ann Riley, when she got the desperate call. "We heard her say 'He has a gun,'" said Clarke, a nurse's assistant, "and 'I've been shot.'" Lenox Ramsay, who was denied bail, pleaded guilty in 2008 to assaulting, menacing and harassing an ex-girlfriend, according to court records. His wife never filed a domestic incident report against him, but Kaidan Ramsay briefly left her drug-dealing husband this spring after he beat her, her father said. "She had bruises on her body [and] she came to stay with me," said Herbert Riley, 54, a mechanic. "But he promised he'd change so she went back." After seeing a gun in their Brownsville home, Kaidan Ramsay finally decided to report the abuse and went to the 67th Precinct Sunday - just two days before the shooting - in order to file a report, her family said. Ramsay's family said they were turned away by cops for not having any evidence of violence, but an NYPD spokesman said there were no records that she visited the precinct. Investigators said Lenox Ramsay fired six shots at his wife - including a pair as he stood above her wounded body - and hit her twice. One of the bullets shattered her left shoulder bone and lodged in her collarbone. "It's painful, unnerving and shocking," said Herbert Riley. "We want him to be put away for the rest of his life." Source 

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