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Laughter is Good for the Soul..

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Although Lamar Odom thinks love conquers all, he decided to hedge his bets with a prenup. But there's a big complication. Odom has lawyered up and so has Khloe. The problem is ... they have to get married on Sunday and there isn't enough time to hash out the details of a prenuptial agreement.Why, you ask, isn't there enough time? We've learned they must get married on Sunday because one of the Kardashian reality shows is footing the $1 million bill for the wedding, but the deal is that the wedding must be shot this Sunday. So we're told Lamar wants a postnup -- meaning the agreement will be hashed out and hopefully signed after Sunday's event.Now here's the intrigue. There's talk that Sunday's wedding might not be the real deal -- it could be a non-binding ceremony. It's common with a postnup that bride and groom would not officially tie the knot until after they sign the document. What they typically do sign before the ceremony is an acknowledgment that it's not really an official wedding, to prevent misunderstandings down the road.And speaking of problems .... we're told lawyers for Odom and Kardashian are already arguing and hitting road blocks. This is the woman Lamar Odom dated for 10 years -- the mother of his children -- Liza Morales. Do you think she's happy about his supposed "wedding" to Khloe Kardashian ... who he's been dating for a month?Lamar Odom's ex-fiancé and the mother of his children went berserk when he told her about his rush-rush wedding to Khloe Kardashian.Liza Morales was so angry she threw out thousands of dollars of Lamar's personal belongings that he still keeps at her New York City apartment, a source close to the situation told RadarOnline.com exclusively. Lamar frequently visits Liza and their two children so he still has a lot of possessions at her Battery Park luxury apartment."It was a meltdown," the source said. "It really hit Liza hard when Lamar told her he was marrying Khloe after dating her for only a month."Kloe Is Still Finalizing Wedding DetailsAfter Lamar broke the news Liza went into a closet he keeps at her place and threw all his belongings into garbage bags, items worth thousands of dollars! Lamar wasn't present when she did this."There were several pairs of custom-made Size 15 sneakers, Sean Jean designer jogging suits, expensive slacks, Lakers jerseys, silk shirts, sports wear and some jackets," the source said."She had the porter haul down the trash bags and said, 'I don't Lamar's stuff in my house anymore!'Downstairs, a quick-thinking doorman didn't want to see the stuff go into the trash so he alerted a big guy - Lamar's size -- who works at an apartment building across the street, the source said. "The grateful man, who was also a fan of Lamar's, rushed over and took possession of the tossed out belongings - and he immediately started trying the stuff on and a lot of it fit! He wants to keep it all -- but he's also been told that he could make thousands of dollars by putting it up on e bay!"Liza think Lamar is making a major mistake with the marriage and rushing into it way too fast.Lamar and Kloe only met August 27Liza began dating Lamar when she was just 17 but split up with her former high-school sweetheart two years ago after the death of their infant son Jayden, who died of SIDS in 2006. They have two other children together - Destiny, 11, and Lamar Jr., 7.Lamar and Liza were engaged to marry eight years ago but Liza was quoted as saying that "Lamar was always a commitment-phobe."The source told RadarOnline.com that Lamar's wedding to Kloe is especially a shock to Liza because as of two months ago, "Lamar was regularly visiting her and the kids in NYC and they happily were seen out like one big happy family. If you didn't know they were broken up, you wouldn't have suspected anything because he was always holding Liza's hand and walking around with her arm-in-arm."The next time he shows up there he's in for one big surprise - when he finds out that she emptied out his closet!" (Via Hottestinthehood.com)
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