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Laughter is Good for the Soul..

Friday, September 11, 2009


9/11 affected us all and we need to remember that this day is very important in ALL of our lives some may not take the task of remembering 9/11 seriously, which is a shame! Here are a few examples of reasons WHY 9/11 should be remembered........

Students need to remember 9/11 because it has shaped the world we live in today. I believe that if 9/11 never happened, America would not be in the shape it is in today. If students take the task of remembering 9/11 seriously, they will turn into well informed adults.

Immigrants need to remember 9/11 because the attacks were a threat to the very reason that they came to this country: freedom. Freedom and acceptance of everyone are two pillars of American society. Without freedom, America is nothing. Immigrants can appreciate the importance of freedom, as many have lived without it.

Teachers need to remember 9/11 so that they can keep teaching American values to their students. Without teachers that remember 9/11, students will forget. Teachers help shape the future by molding the minds of young Americans.'

Just like teachers, parents need to remember 9/11 so that they can make sure that their young children know about the attacks that threatened our country. Parents also need to remember 9/11 attacks so that they can plan for the unthinkable. Should something happen, parents need to make sure that they have a contingency plan in place so that their families are protected. Every family should have enough canned goods to last a few days, extra batteries, flash lights, candles, and a small hand held radio.

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